Bully and Pizzle Sticks are Home Range’s most popular treats and are, in fact, one and the same. Both are sourced from the penile tract of bulls that are raised without the use of hormones, steroids and antibiotics.
While dogs love the beefy taste and smell of Bully Sticks and Pizzles, some dog owners may not love that smell. For those owners, Home Range beef Bully Sticks and Pizzles are offered in an odour-controlled variety.
Home Range Bully Sticks and Pizzles are naturally prepared and cured for approximately 2-3 days without the use of preservatives or additives. Once prepared, we cut them to various sizes.
Home Range Bully Sticks and Pizzles come in a variety of sizes, shapes, colors, textures and smells that all reflect the natural sourcing of our products. It’s this variety that adds to your dog’s enjoyment.